vineri, 31 octombrie 2008

Children of Fate

When I was in high school, I once asked my math teacher, who was extremely demanding (he was training the Romanian Olympic team) what he appreciated more: gifted children, with a natural talent for math and superior intelligence, or hard-working students who achieve results through relentless exercise. He answered he would always appreciate the latter, because they spare no effort to achieve results, while for the others, this comes more or less naturally.

I still think about that now, and it holds true for me too. I think it is to those that through their own efforts and against all odds, manage to outperform their potentialities, that this world should belong. And instead, we often value more the others, gifted by nature, which is remarkable indeed, but that are not necessarily as motivated or do not necessarily pursue their dreams with such fervor... They, the ones that overcome their chances, that fight with all they have to achieve their dreams, are the true winners of this world, because they prove to us that nothing is impossible.

I just watched Gattaca. The message that this movie conveys is much more profound than what can be presented in 1h45, still I think the film is remarkable. The passion with which Vincent pursues his goal and is ready to risk everything to be even "5cm closer to the stars" is what determined that 1% chance of success to come true. And at the end, when I saw him actually climbing in the spaceship, I could still not believe that he actually succeeded.

It's the children of fate, the children of chance, the imperfect ones, that are to be admired - not programmed perfection... with it, you have no more surprises, you cancel out nature's sparkle, you kill evolution. If everything is given, then what more could you achieve, as a human? Where would be your merit for all these achievements, your satisfaction once you made your dream come true? I always felt that our humanity is in our aspirations, ideals and goals, and in the endeavors that we are ready to spare to accomplish them.

"Consider God's handiwork, who can straighten what He hath made crooked?"

I say Man, because God gave him the means.

5 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

I agree with your point to a certain extent. I think veery gifted people are "geniuses" in one way (eg. maths, physics, rocket science :) ). That means in order for them to develop more (soft) skills they would have to overcome a lot of obstacles just as many as a normal people has in learning string theory.
Thus I think geniuses have hurdles to overcome, but they are another kind of hurdles.
And about relentlessness, the best example I know is Einstein's quest for a unified theory in physics. He looked for it in a very stubborn way for 30 years and he didn't find it!

Mumba spunea...

Nice one! Remembering good old Baluna, and his sayings! If I remember correctly (from the magazine interview you girls made with him!) he replied something like he always appreciates more the hard-workers than the naturally gifted because many times the latter don't do much with their potential.

Taking as a sample the people I know, I could not say success correlates too much with the "initial endowment", because many gifted people are too lazy or complacent to make something of themselves. Then there are the hard-workers, the strivers, but the lack of ambition and self-esteem holds many of them back from achieving their potentialities.

I think the trait that best correlates with success is ambition - be it in smart people, hard-working people, or none of the above. It might be a self-fulfilling prophecy, but I think the way people regard themselves is a very good proxy to how others will regard them. Also, the way they position themselves mentally makes them target better opportunities, and to "sell" themselves better.

Really good job with the blog! Manaona from Madagascar :D

veronica spunea...

hey andreea! nice to read you... as i see the subject of this post, i agree with everything that was said until now. still i could add that yeah success means ambition and clear goals you fight for. but i also sustain the idea of the entourage - which traduces, in fact, into motivation and inspiration. and also one of my faith is that success, as i see it, is not just intelligence, hard work, ambition but also wisdom, and this is rare! cheers!

Costel spunea...
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Andi spunea...

Hey guys.. thanks for reading the blog and nice to hear from you again! Firstly, I agree with what was said here. Just to clear things out, what I meant by "perfection" and "gifted" in this post was very much in light of the Gattaca movie.. where parents choose to genetically program the abilities of their children, and, therefore, the naturally-conceived children are considered inferior and are heavily discriminated. I surely hope this will remain a fantasy world... but who knows...

Alex, I agree that real geniuses have trouble communicating and interacting with the others, and that this might be a huge obstacle for them to overcome... though I strongly believe that part of this impossibility to communicate comes from an lack of desire to do so from their part in the first place.

About success and where it comes from... I think to succeed now, in today's world, you need ambition, intelligence, hard work, inspiration... but these are "threshold competencies", this is what you need to be in the game. I see this more and more, especially when I look at so many talented and smart people that do the same master's program as me. What you need to win the game, in my opinion, is great interpersonal skills, to create a network of valuable people around you, the ability to identify and take advantage of opportunities, and a bit of luck :) And yes, wisdom too, I think that's a nice point!